Take advantage of your 7 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! If for whatever reason you decide that this isn't for you or didn't get what you were looking for out of it.. I'll REFUND YOU!
That's How Confident I am.
(Please note that if you ask for a refund in those 7 days you'll lose access to your Cyber Security Course as well)
However, if after the first month you decide to cancel your subscription, but you have already been a member for 1 or more months, you will keep your lifetime access to it :)
Of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
This is entirely up to you although I have to tell you you will loose the $39.95USD subscription price as this will go up soon.
But I'm willing to BET the value of your membership that you WILL see why Thousands of People Around The World Come to RCI!
...For the same Reason - NO BULLSHIT, JUST SKILLS !